AP Interview Room

Traditional NGO Applies Autopilot

to Achieve Organizational Philosophy

Angel Ng

Angel Ng

Assistant Service Director
Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service

Whether it is a commercial or non-governmental organization, it needs to be managed effectively to maximize its benefits or service performance. Having served the Hong Kong community since 1977, Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service (HKLSS) has been reforming its internal organization culture since a few years ago with the aim to fulfill its organizational philosophy. However, they had encountered many challenges and had no idea of how to breakthrough until Angel Ng, Assistant Service Director of HKLSS, learned about the Autopilot Leadership ModelTM (i.e. Autopilot). Integrating the concept of Autopilot into the actual situation of HKLSS, she has then developed their own "ARISES" model. Three years after its implementation, HKLSS’s new corporate culture is now taking shape and has achieved its initial goals.

Establish Autopilot Culture to Overcome Difficulties in VMV Realization

Four years ago, HKLSS began conducting human resources reviews to promote its organization's VMV (Vision, Mission and Value) as well as innovative services, but they found it difficult to move forward with many challenges. Later, Angel came across with Lee Kum Kee Health Products Group and surprised that they were able to implement their Autopilot VMV into the organization; which made her decide to learn the secrets of internalizing HKLSS’s VMV from the Autopilot Leadership Lab (ALLab).

Different companies have their own corporate cultures and apparently, it is impractical for Angel to directly incorporate Autopilot into HKLSS’s VMV. Therefore, she sought professional consultation from ALLab on how to integrate the HKLSS’s VMV with their organization’s daily work. Through an inspiring series of workshops with her team, successfully transformed HKLSS’s culture by incorporating Autopilot with HKLSS’s philosophy and unique practices, resulting in the ARISES model.

Inspired by HKLSS’s core value of commitment, each letter of ARISES stands for Appreciate, Road-block, Idea, Solution, Effect, and Support. Throughout various aspects of work, ARISES gently encourages colleagues to take on responsibilities and engage in communication at work; thereby effectively embodying the core values of HKLSS. After rolling-out the ARISES model, Angel has deepened her understanding of Autopilot Leadership. She believes this inspiring corporate culture catalyst can help organizations realize their VMV into practice and build a more efficient and trusting team.

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Maintain Trust During the Pandemic and Find New Solutions Together

Having applied Autopilot for almost 3 years, Angel believes that "High Trust Environment" and "Common Goal" are the most effective in team application among the six key elements of Autopilot Leadership. Angel noticed that her team members have shown more confidence in each other, especially during the pandemic, it is important to have a mutual trust that everyone is doing their part. In addition, during this challenging “new-normal”, the team has a clear goal to bring the organization's services to the general public while striving through pandemic together. “Despite many companies’ developments has been hindered by the pandemic, our team has still managed to identify new ways to resolve issues,” she says. “For example, we have started to deploy our services to the public through video conferencing. In this new-normal, it is inevitable to break away from conventions and find alternatives to evolve.”

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Learn Different Management Models to Transform Traditional Company

HKLSS has been in service for nearly half a century, with quite a cemented traditional corporate culture. Revitalizing its long-established practices with innovative ideas and new culture is not an easy task. Angel shared when she originally came across with Autopilot Leadership years ago, she was only curious to learn more about how large family businesses like Lee Kum Kee was able sustain its success beyond generations. Later, she realized the key was to establish a sustainable culture within the organization before its VMV can be implemented effectively.

To transform an organization with years of history, she believes it is crucial to adopt an open mind. The management has to take the initiative to draw inspirations from other successful organizations in the market. “Taking NGOs like us HKLSS as an example, even if inspiring leadership models are from the business sector or other industries which may seem entirely irrelevant, the most important thing is to adopt the similarities through its differences. We must seize the opportunity to learn, and after practicing through trial-and-error, we will be able to enlighten out the unique Autopilot culture for our own company.”

Last but not least, Angel considers the most useful elements of Autopilot Leadership are "Choosing the Right Talent" and "Coaching and Developing Talent". “It is critical to identify the right talent, and even if you hire the right candidate, you still have to patiently nurture them before they can fully unleash their potentials; which is important for the sustainable growth of themselves, the team and the company as a whole.”

If you also wish to explore how Autopilot Leadership can inspire your company, transform its culture, and lead it to success and achieve business continuity, schedule a one-hour free consultation session with us today via hi@allab.com.

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